Social Emotional Learning, 6-8

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Without a doubt, many of us are feeling anxious as we navigate the uncertainty of the coronavirus (COVID-19). We're feeling it too, and we wanted to share some of the tools we're using to take care of our minds and stay grounded.
Enjoy this curation of meditations, sleep stories, music and more, all hand-picked to support your mental and emotional wellness through this time. And check back soon as we'll be updating these resources regularly.

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Support the transition to virtual learning and help students think critically and compassionately about what they see online. As the effects of the coronavirus sweep through the United States and across the world, many teachers and schools are making the shift to virtual learning. But even if students are comfortable with technology, learning online requires its own norms and procedures, many of which will be new to students who are used to learning in a face-to-face classroom.

In addition, teachers and students alike are spending more time checking news and social media in an effort to understand the coronavirus and its effects. Now more than ever, students need key digital citizenship skills, including news and media literacy, the ability to recognize and respond to cyberbullying, and an understanding of how their media habits affect them.

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