Social Emotional Learning, 6-8

Long Description

Kikori is an app that provides teachers and parents with experiential and social emotional learning activities to help their students connect to themselves, their communities, and the world. Experiential education is LEARNING by DOING.   The Kikori App has many easy to find Virtual and Physical Distancing activities to use!

The app gives educators tools + training to deliver experiential education activities and helps students connect with themselves,others and the planet. All public activities on this app are free for anyone to use in keeping with Kikori's vision to provide all students with the opportunity to develop the social emotional skills needed to thrive.

There are premium features that can be turned on that allow users to create, share, and favorite playlists and activities.

Free or Paid?
Free and Paid Options exist
Long Description

The Brown Bookshelf hosted the KidLit4BlackLives Rally that took place on June 4, 2020. Led by Kwame Alexander, Jacqueline Woodson, and Jason Reynolds, the Rally featured inspiring words, music, and numerous calls to action in support of equity and justice.

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Free or Paid?
Free To All