Helpful Articles for Teachers (13)
Lesson Plans (24)
Resource List, Teachers (21)
Teacher Development (8)
Teacher Perks (3)
Without a doubt, many of us are feeling anxious as we navigate the uncertainty of the coronavirus (COVID-19). We're feeling it too, and we wanted to share some of the tools we're using to take care of our minds and stay grounded.
Enjoy this curation of meditations, sleep stories, music and more, all hand-picked to support your mental and emotional wellness through this time. And check back soon as we'll be updating these resources regularly.
Kikori is an app that provides teachers and parents with experiential and social emotional learning activities to help their students connect to themselves, their communities, and the world. Experiential education is LEARNING by DOING. The Kikori App has many easy to find Virtual and Physical Distancing activities to use!
The app gives educators tools + training to deliver experiential education activities and helps students connect with themselves,others and the planet. All public activities on this app are free for anyone to use in keeping with Kikori's vision to provide all students with the opportunity to develop the social emotional skills needed to thrive.
There are premium features that can be turned on that allow users to create, share, and favorite playlists and activities.
The National Geographic Education Resource library has Activities, Articles, Collections, Infographics, Lessons, Maps, Photographs, Units and Videos for PreK through High School in subjects including: Geography, Biology, Ecology, Health, Earth Science, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Engineering, Experiential Learning, Arts and Music, Anthropology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics.
The link will bring you to lesson plans but you can find other materials by clicking on the filters on the left.
Media, from video games and commercials to movies and social media, has an enormous influence on students’ behavior, thoughts, and health and well being. Educators see its impact every day in the classroom. How do we teach our students to become knowledgeable and responsible consumers and creators of media in today’s digital world?
Watch this on-demand webinar with Dr. Monica Burns, EdTech Consultant and Founder of and Heather Inyart, Executive Director for Media Power Youth
Have students participate in a content-based scavenger hunt and take photos to record their findings. An app like GooseChase can make this even more fun.
Educational Ideas can be found here:
Roots & Shoots mission is to empower young people to affect positive change in their communities.
This site includes exclusive lesson plans, activities, 1-Click Actions, projects, an online course, reflections, and opportunities to stay connected. Whether it’s doing something immediately to support first responders, grow understanding through activities like Community Mapping, or finding ways to grow Compassionate Traits from home, we’ve got everything you need to grow hope at home and anywhere, every single day.
The Brown Bookshelf hosted the KidLit4BlackLives Rally that took place on June 4, 2020. Led by Kwame Alexander, Jacqueline Woodson, and Jason Reynolds, the Rally featured inspiring words, music, and numerous calls to action in support of equity and justice.
Here, we’ve compiled a list of resources you can use to help young people learn the social-emotional skills they need to get through these challenging events.
Back to School Supports
Coming Soon: Second Step SEL for Adults Resilience Module
We’re committed to helping both students and staff navigate the transition back to school this fall. For many, that includes coping with and recovering from the extreme stress and trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why we’re releasing our field-test prototype of SEL for Adults (SELA) Resilience Module this August. The Resilience Module is designed to help enhance the natural adaptability and recovery of adults in the school community.
CommonLit’s Mini-Units. These units include over a dozen high-quality reading and writing activities and are a great way to keep students learning. CommonLit has developed over units for grades 3–12. Each of these 15 units include:
4–10 texts organized around an essential question
Daily lessons and questions for cross-textual analysis
A final writing assessment and an alternative assessment that encourages students to be creative
Student handouts with graphic organizers
Answer keys for educators
We have hundreds of standards-based lesson plans written and reviewed by educators using current research and the best instructional practices. Find the perfect one for your classroom. Every lesson plan on ReadWriteThink has been aligned not only to the IRA/NCTE Standards for the English Language Arts but to individual state standards as well.
Here at ReadWriteThink, our mission is to provide educators, parents, and afterschool professionals with access to the highest quality practices in reading and language arts instruction by offering the very best in free materials.