CBS News This morning Youtube video about how to raise kids to be anti-racist and talk to them about racism. Protests across the nation over the death of George Floyd are forcing parents to have tough conversations with their kids about racism. CBS News contributor Ibram X. Kendi's upcoming book "Antiracist Baby" is about raising anti-racist kids. He shares how to talk to your kids about racism amid the protests over police brutality.
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation operates the world’s largest living history museum in Williamsburg, Virginia—the restored 18th-century capital of Britain’s largest, wealthiest, and most populous outpost of empire in the New World. With schools closed, social distancing recommended around the world, Colonial Williamsburg closed, and those who can working from home, we’re gathering materials here so you can escape to the 18th-century, learn a little and find some entertainment. You'll find Videos, Live interactions, Virtual Field Trips, Music, Arts &Crafts, Cooking.
At the Colonial Williamsburg Education Resource Library for Teachers (, you’ll find a variety of materials for teaching and learning American history and civics, including videos, interactive learning games, lesson plans, and more. Video programs are designed for grades 4-8, but have been used successfully in other grade levels as well.
Resources for Virtual Field Trips to National Parks and Museums as well as outdoor projects