Teacher Resources

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CBS News This morning Youtube video about how to raise kids to be anti-racist and talk to them about racism. Protests across the nation over the death of George Floyd are forcing parents to have tough conversations with their kids about racism. CBS News contributor Ibram X. Kendi's upcoming book "Antiracist Baby" is about raising anti-racist kids. He shares how to talk to your kids about racism amid the protests over police brutality.

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Author Jason Reynolds shares a powerful message about racism and antiracism. June 1, 2020

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As part of its mission to advance excellent teaching in American schools, Annenberg Learner funds and distributes educational video programs – with coordinated online and print materials – for the professional development of K-12 teachers. Many programs are also intended for students in the classroom and viewers at home, with videos that exemplify excellent teaching. Annenberg Learner also partners with impactful organizations to provide other means of achieving this goal. As part of the Annenberg Foundation, Learner supports the Foundation’s mission to encourage the development of more effective ways to share ideas and knowledge.

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The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation operates the world’s largest living history museum in Williamsburg, Virginia—the restored 18th-century capital of Britain’s largest, wealthiest, and most populous outpost of empire in the New World. With schools closed, social distancing recommended around the world, Colonial Williamsburg closed, and those who can working from home, we’re gathering materials here so you can escape to the 18th-century, learn a little and find some entertainment. You'll find Videos, Live interactions, Virtual Field Trips, Music, Arts &Crafts, Cooking.

At the Colonial Williamsburg Education Resource Library for Teachers (https://www.colonialwilliamsburg.org/learn/teachers/), you’ll find a variety of materials for teaching and learning American history and civics, including videos, interactive learning games, lesson plans, and more. Video programs are designed for grades 4-8, but have been used successfully in other grade levels as well.

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Pixar in a Box is designed to help students answer an age old question: "Why do I need to learn this stuff?" Our answer is found in a series of interactive lessons that demonstrate that the very same concepts that students learn in school are used to make movies at Pixar. We have content appropriate for grade 3 and up.

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The Science Behind Pixar exhibition has been designed to let visitors experience the art, science, computer science, and math that Pixar uses to create their groundbreaking films. This website features some of the activities, videos, and images from the exhibition that describe the math, computer science, and science that go into making computer animated films. This exhibition was developed by the Museum of Science, Boston in collaboration with Pixar Animation Studios. There are free materials for hands-on, unplugged activities to use with this virtual exhibit at http://sciencebehindpixar.org/educators.

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The National Council of Teachers of English Children’s Literature Assembly offers a bi-weekly blog with resources for preK-university educators. Each entry highlights a great online resource available for teachers and how it might be effectively utilized or offers a description of a short lesson using children’s literature that educators can use in their newly located classes.

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If you’ve found yourself teaching in a distance-learning situation, especially if it’s been foisted upon you by circumstance, you’ll discover pretty quickly that distance learning offers different challenges from face-to-face instruction. And if you look online, you’ll find tons of ideas and resources that can help you tackle those challenges, so much that it’s easy to get paralyzed at the volume of it all. This is especially true if you’re expected to hit the ground running with very little notice. To help you, I’m going to take my best shot at sharing clear, carefully curated information on distance learning.

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The teacher page features a two-week family engagement plan, complete with daily messages to parents. We’re also offering free virtual PDs and PLCs, led by teachers, for teachers. These will prepare teachers to lead Family-Educator Learning Accelerators, or FELAs, which are 5-10 week cycles during which teachers and parents share a game plan to help children reach reading goals. Can you think of a better way to support learning amidst school closures?

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List of Distant Learning Resources curated by the New York State Reading Association

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