Helpful Articles (17)
Home Fun (31)
Life Skills (21)
Physical Activity (3)
Resource List, Parents (21)
Social Emotional Learning (17)
Shoe Tying, Washing Hands, Typing, Media Literacy, Goal Setting, and Fine Motor Skills
Resources for supporting students with disabilities, especially those dealing school closures and distant learning situations
Things have changed quickly, and they will keep changing. We can’t be perfect, but we can teach our kids how to be flexible and resilient. Emphasizing family time, exploring the world around us, and adding movement breaks will help homeschooling go more smoothly and will naturally minimize screentime for young learners. By staying engaged with your child and their activities both on and off-line, you’ll be making memories that your kids will be talking about long after this health crisis has passed.
These are challenging times, and your friends at Sesame Street are here to help. Our new hub is filled with videos, playful learning activities, and ways to help families stay physically and mentally healthy. The Sesame Street Muppets are staying home, too, but still connecting with friends online—and each week we'll post new videos, like Singalong with Elmo or Snack Time with Cookie Monster. Hope to see you there!
MSN Article on 12 world famous museums that are providing virtual tours and online exhibits.
Virtual Tours and Online exhibits for 500 Museums and Galleries compiled by Google.
A resources for Parents, with reading tips, printables, videos and book lists.
is a nationwide movement developed by Penguin Random House in partnership with Parents magazine that celebrates the importance, and power, of the shared reading experience between an adult and a child. Reading aloud regularly to babies and young children is one of the most effective ways to foster early literacy and is a key factor responsible for building language and social skills.
Hello, friends! I’m Kate Messner, a former classroom teacher, forever-educator, and the author of more than three dozen books for kids. This is a library of resources for kids, families, teachers, and librarians to make sure that reading & learning can happen anywhere this spring. Some of you may be out of school as communities try to prevent the spread of a virus known as COVID-19.
You’ll find a growing collection of resources that include everything from first-chapter and picture book read-alouds (all shared with permission!) to drawing and writing mini-lessons. Be sure to check back often, as new resources will be added every day.
NASA STEM @ Home For Students Grades K-4
Launch Rockets, Build a Moon Habitat, Solve Spacey Puzzles and More! Storybooks, games, puzzles projects all revolving around STEM
Let your Creativity take flight with engineering, online games and videos to get you moving and training like an astronaut.