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Health emergency brings many changes and much uncertainty for young children and their families, but there are things we can do to face each day with optimism and hope. We can practice healthy habits like handwashing and coughing into the bend in our arm. We can offer comfort, connect with, and care for others safely. And we can keep learning and growing at home through everyday routines and simple activities. The resources on this page can help families cope during challenging times.

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The coronavirus impacts everyone. But it creates added challenges for some people. That includes kids and adults with learning differences or disabilities.

We’ve created this resource to make the health crisis easier to manage. There are tools and information to help at home, at school, and at work. We’ll be providing updates on issues that impact learning, special education, talking with kids, and the workplace.

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Running out of ideas that involve kids endlessly video-chatting with friends? Here are some ideas for deeper connections.
PUBLISHED April 2, 2020
maintaining relationships with others is important for children. “It supports their social emotional development and strengthens their social emotional skills,” says Melissa Brymer, director of the Terrorism and Disaster Program at UCLA / Duke University National Center for Child Traumatic Stress in Los Angeles. The trick is to find creative ways to socialize from afar. Here are a few ways to do just that. Pa

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Things have changed quickly, and they will keep changing. We can’t be perfect, but we can teach our kids how to be flexible and resilient. Emphasizing family time, exploring the world around us, and adding movement breaks will help homeschooling go more smoothly and will naturally minimize screentime for young learners. By staying engaged with your child and their activities both on and off-line, you’ll be making memories that your kids will be talking about long after this health crisis has passed.

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Kids, this comic is for you.

It's based on a radio story that NPR education reporter Cory Turner did. He asked some experts what kids might want to know about the new coronavirus discovered in China.

To make this comic, we've used his interviews with Tara Powell at the University of Illinois School of Social Work, Joy Osofsky at the LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans and Krystal Lewis at the National Institute of Mental Health.

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Long before the written word, significant cultural ideas passed from generation to generation through storytelling. It is an artform meant to be shared among community members. Whether you’re looking for ways to celebrate Math Storytelling Day on September 25, or simply want to bring math to life for your students, here are four great ways to incorporate the craft of storytelling into your math teaching.

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